We are the leading bank in our catchment area when it comes to e-zwich. Visit any of our agencies for your ready to use e-zwich cards, replacement, modify details, withdrawals and deposits etc. Our point of sale devices are available for your services.
E-zwich is the brand name for the National Switch and Smart card payment system. The e-zwich payment system is an innovative method for improving accessibility to banking and retail services in Ghana. The e-zwich system offers Deposit-taking financial institutions (i.e. Universal banks, Rural banks and Savings and Loans) a platform that enables them to interoperate.
- Highly secured; because of the fingerprint biometric identification.
- Accepted by all banks and easy to use.
- Funds on savings wallet of the card accrue interest of over a period.
- Cardholders are able to move funds to and from a regular account at ARB Apex Bank.
- A 24/7 Access to payment points and POS terminals at numerous locations like supermarkets, filling stations and hotels.